Jobs at SECI

Notification No: 02/2025 and Notification No: 03/2025 for filling up of various positions - Apply Online

Notification No: 02/2025 for filling up of various positions 

Notificaion: 03/2025 for Sr Consultant 

Result for the posts of Deputy Manager-PMC Electrical, Project Electrical and Project Civil 

Result for the post of Young Professional-Corporate Planning 

Candidate provisionally selected for the post of Young Professional (Human Resource) 

List of candidates provisionally selected for the post of Young Professional (Finance)

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for  interview for the post of Young Professional (Human Resource)

Candidates selected for the post of Young Professional (Office of C&MD) 

Notification No: 03/2024 for filling up of various positions 

Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Interview for the post of Young Professional (Finance)

Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Interview for the post of Young Professional (Corporate Planning) 

Candidate Provisionally Selected for the post of Deputy General Manager (Corporate Planning)

Result for the post of Sr. Consultant (C & P)

Result for the post of General Manager (C & P)

Result for the post of Additional General Manager (HR & Admin.)

Candidates selected for the post of Manager (Contracts & Procurement) 

Candidates Provisionally Shortlisted for Interview for the post of Young Professional (Office of C&MD)

Candidate Provisionally Selected for the post of Deputy Manager (IT-ERP) 

Candidate Provisionally Selected for the post of Additonal General Manager (Information Technology) 

Candidates Provisionally Selected for Interview for the post of Manager Market Operations 

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for  interview for the post of Deputy Manager-IT ERP

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Manager (C&P) 

List of candidates Provisionally Selected for the post of Sr. Engineer (IT) 

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for  interview for the post of Deputy General Manager (Corporate Planning)

List of candidate provisionally selected for the post of Deputy General Manager- Project Monitoring

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Additional General Manager- Information Technology

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Deputy General Manager- Project Monitoring

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Senior Engineer- Information Technology

List of candidates shortlisted for Interview for the post of Sr. Consultant (C&P)

List of candidates provisionally selected for the post of Deputy General Manager(HR  & Admin)

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Additional General Manager (HR & Admin)

List of candidates provisionally selected for the Post of Sr. Consultant (P&A)

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of  General Manager (C&P)

List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for interview for the post of Deputy General Manager (HR & Admin.)

List of candidates provisionally selected for the post of Executive Assistant 

Corrigendum to the Notification No: 01 / 2024

Notification No: 01/2024 for filling up of various positions

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